About the Artist www.watercolourpainter.co.uk








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Copyright © John Smee 1999-2005

About the Artist
After graduating in Physics, John has spent most of his adult life
as an employed and freelance software development manager and engineer. This led him to move away from the South East of England to the Cotswolds in mid 1970's where he now lives with his wife, daughter and son.

His latent interest in arts and crafts has surfaced at various points in his life and started with a period in which pottery was the main interest. He attended a variety of classes and obtained a pottery teaching qualification from summer school at Loughborough University, bought a potters wheel and for a fleeting moment thought of becoming a potter. His interest in watercolour painting has been developing over many years with attendance of a variety of painting classes and workshops. It was the introduction to the work of Judi Whitton at one of her exhibitions and the subsequent attendance at her classes and workshops that transformed an interest into a passion. Despite believing that watercolour is arguably the least forgiving medium to paint in, John finds that it suits his style, which could be described as loose and impressionistic. In John's words "When it comes to detail, I don't have the patience which in many ways is a benefit to a watercolour painter as it is the fiddling at the end which can destroy the painting." The other distinctive feature of John's paintings is his use of colour. John uses much stronger tones than many watercolour painters and employs a mixture of washes and direct application. John admires the painting style of a number of the French Impressionists especially Alfred Sisley. Of the more recent painters Edward Seago, John Yardley and Alvaro Castagnet are favourites.